The delay in publishing this page is due to the webmaster!
The delay in publishing this page is due to the webmaster!
In April, Roger Stollery's ICE sailing boat glows in our calendar. This is the top model of British yachts for the last 8 years. Since 2010 (EU GP Wroclaw / POL, skipper Rob Vice) have won many international regattas in Europe. These have very light, carbon hulls with a characteristic widening of the bow. One of the few models of this class today with double sails and a swing rig.
Everything seems to indicate that we will see boats from the printer more often at the footy regatta. Thank you Bill!
More information about this project and about this successor (Green Hornet) can be found on this website in the "News" tab
I am convinced that making them available (maybe even the return of photos to
the Model Yachting magazine cover...?) would motivate other skippers to be more
active - in promoting this class of models too (maybe in the future would create
other national calendars, gadgets, T-shirts, etc ...?).
In the picture adorning the first calendar card is the most refined in detail
Polish sailboat from the Poznan studio of Piotr Lenartowicz (so far made only in
one copy).
Although it is not often seen in regattas, it has already demonstrated very good nautical properties, giving its constructor a place on the national podium. It is worth remembering the author - probably we will see more than once interesting solutions and his photos from model shipyard.
This photo (just like the whole e-calendar) is prepared in A4 (+ 3mm offset), 200 dpi resolution.
You can use them for printing on a home printer in a quite decent quality.
The decoration of our calendar card for this month is one of the best models of
the FOOTY class in the Americas, which was developed by Chris Staiger (USA), and
in the form of kits for self-assembly produced by Dick McCoy (USA). This
particular toothed basin shark was made by Stanley Townsend (also from the USA).
More information, photos and links regarding this design can be found on Polish
Footy Class Association website -
Click any image to download the full-size copy. And if this seems a little late to post a January calendar, blame the editor (me!) not Pawel!
Print files are provided for the complete hull, fin, and rudder. You may need to resize the fin and rudder before printing. I recommend that the fin be 45mm wide and 200mm long. The rudder should be 35mm wide and 150mm long.
Complete instructions for assembling your Footy are at //3dprintedradioyachts.com/ where you will also find much useful information on printing 3D boats from Footy size to IOM.
These are Footys made on a 3D printer. The hulls, fin, and rudders are all printed. I sent my design CAD files to my Australian friend, Selwyn Holland, who used them to print the parts and send them to me. We've been working on this project for about a year, and it has really come together nicely. In addition to Footys, we are doing RG65s, Nanos, and we are on our third IOM prototype. It's an exciting technology that I think has tremendous potential for the future of radio sailing.
Hopefully Bill will supply more details in the future.
"The yellow one is a 2014 plan-built "Easy III" but with removable keelfin. This is very good for packing and traveling. I took it with me several times on vacation in my suitcase while flying by plane. The whole sailing gear is just under 1,5kg. I have always been allowed to sail the hotel pool in quieter hours. Once I tried the Atlantic Ocean but the saltwater has eaten the contact pins of the switch, apart from that all worked well and the tiny boat could handle the waves pretty well."
"The white one is a scaled down Optimist Dinghy from 2015, quite similar to the one I sailed on my own when I was young. Therefore it's given G-7223, my own reg-nr from those days. I adapted the original measurements with longer fin and bigger rudder for scale performance but fitting to Footy-Rules. I also made a special rig, creating the illusion of a scale Optimist rig/sail but having more area, approx equal to EasyIII.
This hull does perform just OK, but not as good as the EasyIII, therefor I prefer the EasyIII from 1-6Bft with several rigs."
We are pleased to welcome several new registrars:
In the PHOTOS section we have a number of new additions:
Peter Henderson sends the latest info on his "1299". Find it on the LINKS page or Click here.
And finally, be sure to visit Erik Jankovic's Footy blog